Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Home update & Praise:

Our prayers have been that God would go before us in every aspect and He certainly has!  As it turns out with this unusual weather in December it exposed some serious grade issues as well as some tile issues with our home -hence significant water in the basement.  Long story short, it was good that this happened before we owned the home (as this issue wouldn't normally have happened until Spring time) and the contractor was able to correct it with the warmer weather. Additionally, we discovered that if our personal items would have been in there and that had happened, our personal items would have been our loss unless we were to get into a big legal battle.  

After a great deal of helpful advice from friends and family who knew how to handle this situation far better than us (you know who you are and we thank you so much) we had to have several meetings with our contractor and third party inspections, but it all looks good and seems corrected.   Ann and I are closing on the house this morning...YEA!  We have a little bit of painting to do over the next few days, but we're hoping to start moving our things in this Saturday.  Thanks for your prayers and concerns!  God is so Faithful!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Prayer for our home...

Please pray.  Ann and I previously postponed on the closing of our new home a week ago.  We thought the issue had been resolved until we went into the basement again this morning.  Due to the road conditions, the contractor said he couldn't make it out to look at it today and we are supposed to close this Monday morning.  Also, due to contract issues, we really need to close before the end of the year.  This has turned into a very complicated and difficult situation.  Please pray for God's wisdom and intervention as we seek to navigate through this matter.

On the bright side, Ann and I had a wonderful time celebrating Christ being with us and being with our families for Christmas!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Epic Church Video

Check out this will give you yet another glimpse into the heart and purpose behind Epic Church.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Prayer Update...

  • Ann, Caitlin and I had a chance to catch up with some friends last Saturday.  We were able to hear of what God was doing in each other's lives and Ann and I left very inspired and encouraged!
  • Ann and I have seen people offer to support us without our initiation.  Thanks for your prayers, God is building His church!
  • Ann and I had the opportunity to share our vision with a Sunday School Class at Wakarusa Missionary Church.  It was a wonderful time and they were very encouraging towards us.
  • Ann and I are supposed to be closing on our house Dec. 22nd.
  • We've seen several of our relationships with people in South Mishawaka continue to develop... we're grateful for these friendships!    

  • Please pray for others to continue to give and join in giving towards the church.  Pray that God will continue to bring about others who have a similar burden for reaching out to the people of South Mishawaka.
  • Please pray that God will bring about the people He has to help launch this church.  Pray that Ann and I will have faith, discernment and courage in this area.
  • Please pray that others will continue to be prompted to pray for this ministry and for Ann, Caitlin and I.
  • Ann and I are going out of town for a few days.  Please pray that God will watch over us and Caitlin.  Please pray that this time will be very beneficial to Ann and I as we have this significant amount of time together.
  • Please pray that God will have His hand of protection on my family and me:  Pray that He will protect us Spiritually, Physically and Emotionally.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Prayer Update

  • Raising financial support has been very difficult.  Please pray for God to provide and that we will remain encouraged.
  • In January, Ann and I will begin the process of recruiting the Launch team.  Please pray that God will move in the hearts of the right people to be a part of this church plant.  Pray that we will have incredible wisdom and discernment.
  • December 22nd we will be closing on our house, please pray that things will go smoothly.
  • Please pray that God will continue to allow us to build significant relationships in South Mishawaka.
  • Please pray that Epic church will be a beacon of Grace and Hope as we seek to be tangible extensions of His Love.

  • God continues to meet our needs.  Every time I have a meeting or thought of discouragement, God continues to "surprise" us with means of provision and encouragement.  
  • I had an awesome meeting today with a pastor who had a vision and heart for partnering in the planting of a church in South Mishawaka before God had even put it on my heart. I'm excited in the potential of this relationship.
  • Ann and I are so thankful for our parents allowing us to live with them since August...last night, Ann and I were able to go out on a date together and we had a wonderful time time together.
  • We have so much to be thankful for, we enjoyed getting to spend time with some of our friends and family over Thanksgiving.