Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Launch Team!

Ann and I continue to meet with people who are interested in the church plant in one form or another. We’ve been preaching and sharing at various churches and have had many people indicate a level of interest - whether it be partnering in prayer, finances, periodic tasks/projects or even joining the church by being a part of the lead team. We’re continually being reminded that God is building His church and that we need to be sure to follow His lead.

We have had several informational meetings, with over 70 people from various churches either in attendance or asking for information on the church plant. As people have prayed and begin to count the costs, 22 people have come to our “Next Step” Meetings at this point in time. Out of that group we have had 3 people already commit to being a part of the Launch Team! All of the others remain interested but need more time to pray. We’re planning to hear back from them around the first week in May. In sharing this news with my Church Planting Coach, he seemed very pleased with the initial progress and response from people in the stage that we’re in. Our hope is to have an idea of an initial group to start the Launch Team by May. We’re planning to still have several other opportunities for people to join along the way. I’m planning to preach in two more of our Lead Team churches (College Park & Hillside) in May and we’re hopeful that out of these pools more people will get on board by joining the Launch Team. Please continue to pray that God will move in the hearts of those He has planned to form this Launch Team. Pray that God will give Ann and I wisdom.

In the next few weeks I will be doing a significant amount of traveling. I will be taking part in our Lead Team Retreat with our Lead Team Churches (College Park, Hillside, St. Mark, Sturgis & Wakarusa). Additionally, I will be taking part in the Exponential Church Planting Conference. This is a wonderful opportunity to gain more insight and skills in planting a multiplying church. Please pray that I will learn what God has for Epic and for me during these times at the retreat and conference.

On a personal note, Ann and I are continuing to meet more of our neighbors and people in South Mishawaka and we are enjoying building these relationships and getting to know our neighbors. My daughter has especially enjoyed getting to meet new friends and have other kids to play with (Mom and Dad get a little boring after awhile). Please pray that we will build more friendships and grow the relationships that we have formed. Finally please pray for God’s ongoing protection on our family and for our hearts.

It feels like a snowball is being formed and we’re excited to see how it continues to grow. This will only happen through God leading the way and for your ongoing support. Many thanks for your faithfulness in partnering with us.
