Ann, Caitlin and I have recently returned from a great deal of traveling in the car. We recently returned from a time that served as both a conference and much needed family vacation time in Orlando. As I look at what appears to be a very full summer and fall, we feel very refreshed, equipped and excited for this next leg of the journey with Epic.
I’m excited to say that we have had 11 adults sign on to our launch team at this point and we are thrilled by their partnership. We’re planning to have our first official Launch Team Meeting May 30th. We’re optimistic that there will be even more people joining us to be a part of the Launch Team by then as several more are still taking time to pray and consider. Additionally, Ann and I are planning to be in two more churches this month (Hillside and College Park) where we will be inviting people from these communities to join in partnering with us. Please pray that God will move in the hearts of these people in regards to their partnership and involvement with Epic. Our goal is to have at least 42 adults prior to our launch in October.
On the Financial front, we have a goal to raise a total of $250,000 (over two years). We currently have just over $135,000 that has been pledged and/or received. Please pray that God will continue to provide financially. We want to thank so many of you have pledged and given of your finances. I know that in these economic times it would one might be tempted to “hold back.” Thank you for your courageous faith steps and desire to help advance the Kingdom of God.
We are still in the process of trying to find a location. We have been told that we are able rent one of the schools in South Mishawaka, but only for six months max. This at least gives us an option to launch, and we are certainly grateful for this option. However, we are looking for something that would be more long term, affordable, and able to help us better serve the community. Please continue to pray with us as we seek God’s direction and provision in this matter.
On a more personal note, Ann and I are continuing to build relationships in our neighborhood and community. As I am typing this I’m looking out the back door of my home and noticing that there are 4 more new homes going in behind us. We’re excited about these potential relationships and it’s exciting to think about how God already knows who will be moving into them.
Thank you for your support and partnership with us. Together God will use us to make a difference and to bring honor to His name as we Live in/out His Love!
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