Thursday, July 1, 2010


Last Sunday, Molly, the school custodian sat in during the worship Gathering . Afterwards, I had a chance to talk with her for a significant amount of time as people were leaving. She really poured out her heart to me, and we had an incredible conversation about God and life. Our conversation eventually turned towards me having the opportunity to share the plan of salvation with her. Molly admitted that she had never gone to church prior to Epic coming to the school. She has been going through a tough time but felt that God was drawing her to himself. I then asked her if she was ready to make the choice to follow Jesus. She said that she was, so I led her over to the chairs in the lobby and prayed with her to receive Christ as her Lord and Savior. She said she had a real sense of peace after praying together. Yea God!!! Please pray for Molly and Epic as we help her take her next steps in her new relationship with God.

1 comment:

Mike V said...

Jeremy, I never get tired of hearing these stornies! We are so excited for you and your people as you bring the Good News of Christ to your community. We are blessed to know you and are praying for you!

Mike & Amy Verlennich