Monday, October 20, 2008

Prayer & Praise Update


  • I just received news that one of my former coworkers from Northbrook Church suddenly died of a heart attack last night while he was out hunting.  My heart is heavy for his family and the Northbrook family.  Please pray for all of us who are affected by the news of Rick's passing.
  • Ann and I will be attending a church planting conference this week.  Please pray that the time will be fruitful and that Caitlin will be okay while we are away.
  • I have several important meetings with potential partnering churches over the next several weeks.  Please pray that God would bring about the support and partners.
  • Please pray that I will be Christ to my wife and daughter and that we will continue to grow together.
  • Please pray that God will give me wisdom and that He will protect my heart and mind.


  • I'm using this new tool for my quiet times and absolutely loving it.  God is continuing to show me more and more of His character and faithfulness.
  • I've had some really positive meetings over this last week.
  • We're getting the opportunity to see some of our good friends before going to the retreat.
  • God just continues to provide and meet our needs.  I'm amazed at the "by chance" meetings I have with individuals that God uses. 
  • We're continuing to develop some wonderful friendships with people from South Mishawaka.
  • I'm grateful for my Abba Father's love...His love that caused Him to send His son...the love that sets us free...the love that gives us eternal.  As I reflect on the life of my friend Rick, I'm grateful for the Love of my Heavenly Father...The one who LOVES to GIVE life!

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