Thursday, October 2, 2008

Prayer update: Week 4


  • Please pray for God's direction as I seek to raise financial support in the midst of these difficult economic times.  I'm trying to raise an average of $12,500 per month.
  • Please pray for our family/marriage as this is a very trying time as we're in transition.  Our families have still been incredible hosts, but it's been tough for Ann and I to have significant time alone to share our hearts with one another.  Pray that I will love Ann in the way Christ loves the Church.
  • Please pray that we would continue to make and grow in the new and exciting relationships that we've developed within Mishawaka.
  • I've been sick this whole week, please pray that I get well soon.
  • Please continue praying for those that God intends to partner with this future church.
  • Please pray that we will find another member of the lead team.
  • Please Pray that God will give me wisdom and that He would protect my heart and mind.
  • Please pray that Ann and I would remain encouraged.
  • Pray that God will use this church to help meet the needs of those living in Mishawaka.
  • Pray that my time alone with God will be life changing...that I will allow those times to be what God desires for me to have.
  • Please pray that I wont move ahead of God and then ask Him to bless it, but rather that I would be blessed in joining Him in what He's doing.  May my heart be moved over the same things that moves His heart.

  • We've continued to build some incredible friendships with people in Mishawaka.  We've continue to have some really cool conversations as we've met some really wonderful people.
  • We've had friends that have either taken us to dinner or have shot us e-mails letting us know that God has put us on their heart and that they're praying for us.
  • I've had several conversations with people that seem interested in the new church.
  • God just continues to meet our needs down to the details...I needed an i-pod to help me with what I'm working on and I had a friend give me an extra one that he had.
  • I've had a friend working on a website for the new church (for free), this is a huge help to me.  Some of you know that I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to technology.  :)
  • For those that are praying for us.  We can absolutely tell that God is with us...and we need your prayers.  Thank you!

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